We create, not consume. We are preparing to develop a creative cluster, bringing people together. We are a place of life. We share warmth. It is a place of comfort to create.
We originally chose to focus on human needs rather than profit.
The history of the company began in 1999, in a cafe on Razezjaya Street. Today bushe is more than 60 atmospheric places in St. Petersburg and Moscow, more than 10 mini-bakeries by the house of "warm bread" and even pelmennaya Oleg's in Amsterdam, its own production organized on the principles of Kaizen and 5C.
We continue to evolve, open up new horizons, and keep a high pace, but we're also very attentive to the quality of our products and everything we do.
We create film projects, dance, coffee and wine festivals and bring to life the most amazing creative ideas.
we delight guests with our products