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Собирайте своего персонажа, проходите квесты, копите баллы и оплачивайте ими до 99% вашего заказа. Всё это — в нашем приложении!
вся продукция
буше х полторы комнаты
аврора бушеарис
собери свой завтрак
кексы и печенье
закуски и сэндвичи
тосты и бриошь
горячие блюда и салаты
готовая еда
сыры и нарезка
готовим дома
кофе в дрипах и в капсулах
кофе в зернах и молотый
открытки и свечки
одежда и аксессуары

undefined undefined


    вся продукция
    буше х полторы комнаты
    аврора бушеарис
    собери свой завтрак
    кексы и печенье
    закуски и сэндвичи
    тосты и бриошь
    горячие блюда и салаты
    готовая еда
    сыры и нарезка
    готовим дома
    кофе в дрипах и в капсулах
    кофе в зернах и молотый
    открытки и свечки
    одежда и аксессуары
вы уверены, что хотите выйти?
Rules for using the mobile app
An app with a loyalty system, where the discount depends on the number of purchases and your activity in the app.

Terms of use of the mobile application

In the bush, the application ecosystem has been updated. Now you can order delivery there, use a QR code to get a discount, learn about bush novelties, and even find a cool event for the weekend. In general, the task of the application is simple - to be useful.

What is the usefulness:

  • your discount is always at hand - there is a quick access to the QR code;
  • Bush is very close - you can arrange delivery through a convenient catalog;
  • more than buns - we talk about our events and events of friends, and also share news and useful articles;
  • there is a real one - each product has a description, composition and calculated balance of KBJU;
  • life, love, work - inside you can find out about bush vacancies if you want to be in our team;
  • always in touch - if something went wrong (or, conversely, everything was great!), You can leave a review on an order or a specific outlet.

How to become a user of the new application?
Update the old application - the discount, points and level will remain the same; register as a new member
Install the app and register as a new member
Download/Update Link: https://bushe.page.link/cFfL

What discount will I get? How are bonus points accrued in the new loyalty system?
Bonus points are awarded with every purchase with a mobile application. The size of the discount and the number of points awarded depend on your status in the loyalty system. Status and transition between levels depend on the amount spent on purchases within three months from the moment the status was assigned.

You can see the amount of accumulated bonus points and other information about discounts in the bush mobile application.

How is the transition between the levels of the loyalty system carried out?
The change in membership status depends on the amount spent on purchases. A new member of the loyalty system starts with the status “1 - There is a present”.

If the amount from the “go over” line is exceeded, the status is increased. The status changes the day after the purchase is made. To maintain the current status, it is necessary that the amount of purchases within three months be not less than the amount indicated in the “save” column corresponding to the status. If the amount is insufficient, the status is reduced to the previous one three months after the status was assigned. Also, the status is lowered by one level if no purchases have been made in three months.

For example: a participant with the status of the second level "Inspired by Boucher" needs to make purchases in the amount of 5,000 rubles in order to switch to the status of the third level "Bushevny". and more within three months. To maintain the status of "Inspired by Boucher", the participant must make purchases in the amount of at least 1,500 rubles in three months. In the event that purchases in the amount of less than 1,500 rubles are made within three months, the status will be lowered to the first level “There is a real one”.

How to get a discount using the mobile app?
When ordering in the bush, before paying for it, please present the QR code from the application on your smartphone to the cashier for scanning. Please note that the accrual of bonus points for a completed purchase, as well as some other functions of the mobile application, are available only when connected to the Internet.

When buying with a permanent discount (20% one hour before closing, 40% on yesterday's products) or buying on a promotion, additional in-app discount does not apply, and points are not awarded for the amount spent.

What can I spend Reward Points on?
You can spend bonus points to pay for any purchase, but not more than 50% of the amount (1 point = 1 ruble). Please let the cashier know in advance that you would like to redeem points for payment.

Bonus points can also be spent on achieving or maintaining a status in the loyalty system. To do this, on the main screen, click the "Spend points for status" button and indicate the number of points you want to spend.

Payment with points is possible only in the mobile application.
Additional terms:

  1. bushe reserves the right to block a user's profile if suspicious activity is detected, the use of a mobile application for personal enrichment, as well as in cases of disclosure of other types of fraud.
  2. Boucher reserves the right to change the number and order of bonus points and discounts applied at its sole discretion at any time.
  3. Bonus points cannot be exchanged for cash.
  4. The maximum discount is 50% of the cost of the product (if there is a take-away price, then the 50% discount is calculated from the price “here”). Products with a 40% discount cannot be redeemed with points.
  5. Information about the current personal status of the user, discount level and accrued points is available only in the personal account on the website or in the profile in the mobile application. This information is not available to administrators or bush cashiers.
  6. One user can have one account in the mobile application.
  7. When buying a gift certificate and when paying with a gift certificate, discounts do not apply, bonus points are not awarded.
  8. Discount with points for a cake according to an individual project and a figure does not apply
  9. Upon purchase, points are awarded only for positions that have been broken through without taking into account any bushe discounts (with the exception of the MP discount and the price to go
  10. When paying for purchases with bonuses, points are not awarded
  11. Post-purchase notification (requesting an estimate visit to the bush) is optional
  12. Purchases are counted in the mobile application only if the QR code scanner is triggered at the time of purchase. Subsequent crediting of the purchase upon presentation of a cash receipt is not made.
  13. The transition of the user to the level is carried out the next day after the accumulation of the required amount. If the status is saved or lost, the update occurs at 00:01 on the date specified on the main screen of the application. In order to maintain the status or get a new one, you need to accumulate the amount before this time
  14. The discount on the mobile application becomes available to the user no earlier than 15 minutes after the user registers in the MP, depending on the speed of the Internet connection.
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ул. Белы Куна, д. 3, ТРК "Международный"
пр. Средний В.О., д. 33
ул. Льва Толстого, д. 1-3
ул. Комсомола, д. 16
г. Пушкин, ул. Московская, д. 25
ул. Малая Морская, д. 7
пр. Московский, д. 35
пр. Комендантский, д. 1, ТРК "Атмосфера"
пр. Полюстровский, д. 84, литера А, ТРК "Европолис"
пр. Просвещения, д. 15, литера А
ул. Звездная, д. 1, ТРК "Континент"
ул. Марата, д. 3
пр. Пискаревский, д. 1
ул. Туристская, д. 22
ул. Школьная, д. 41
ул. Кременчугская, д. 9, к. 1
ул. Октябрьская, д. 8, ТРК "Ока"
ул. Типанова, д. 25, литера А
ш. Мурманское, д. 12км, СТЦ "Мега-Дыбенко"
дор. Брантовская, д. 3, ТРЦ "Охта Молл"
ул. Пионерская, д. 50, ЖК "Премьер Палас"
ул. Коллонтай, д. 3, ТЦ "Лондон Молл"
пр. Московский, д. 73, к. 5
пр. Гражданский, д. 41, литера Б, ТРК "Академ-Парк"
ш. Петергофское, д. 51, ТЦ "Жемчужная плаза"
пр. Невский, д. 114-116, ТК "Невский центр"
пр. Медиков, д. 10, к. 1
пр. Космонавтов, д. 65, к. 11
ул. Оптиков, д. 51, к. 1
пр. Московский, д. 165
ул. Пражская, д. 48/50, ТРК "Южный Полюс"
ш. Пулковское, д. 25, к. 1, ТРК "Лето"
пр. Просвещения, д. 80, литера А, ТРК "Прометей"
ул. Разъезжая, д. 13
пр. Московский, д. 139, к. 1, ТЦ "Форт Тауэр"
ул. Восстания, д. 10
КАД, д. 117км, ТЦ "Мега-Парнас"
ул. Дыбенко, д. 5, к. 3, стр. 1, ЖК "Цивилизация"
дор. Кушелевская, д. 3, к. 8
б. Загребский, д. 9
ул. Льва Толстого, д. 1-3, коворкинг "Ясная Поляна", офис буше
ул. Магнитогорская, д. 21, к. 1б, склад буше
пр. Заневский, д. 71, ТРК "Заневский каскад"
ул. Парадная, д. 3, к. 2, ЖК "Парадный квартал"
ул. Школьная, д. 41, офис буше
пр. Бакунина, д. 5, БЦ "Б5", отдел кадрового администрирования
ул. Ефимова, д. 2, ТРК "Пик"
г. Москва, пр. Театральный, д. 5, стр. 1, ЦДМ
пл. Балканская, д. 5, ТЦ "Балканский"
ул. Савушкина, д. 141, ТРЦ "Меркурий"
наб. Канала Грибоедова, д. 18
пр. Комендантский, д. 65, стр. 1, ЖК "Ультра Сити"
б. Новаторов, д. 11, к. 2, ТРК "Французский Бульвар"
ул. Тепловозная, д. 31, ТРК "Порт Находка"
г. Гатчина, ул. Соборная, д. 7
пр. Коломяжский, д. 17, ТРК "Сити Молл"
пр. Большевиков, д. 18, ТРЦ "Невский"
ш. Фермское, д. 16, литера А
пр. Энергетиков, д. 9, к. 1
пр. Шувалова, д. 5
ул. Есенина, д. 1, к. 2
пр. Смольный, д. 17, стр. 1
наб. Ушаковская, д. 3, к. 3
пр. Стачек, д. 99, ТРК "Континент"
ул. Плесецкая, д. 4, к. 1, нежилое помещение 128Н (ЖК Ariosto)
ул. Яхтенная, д. 1, к. 1
ул. Грибалёвой, д. 7
ул. Белоостровская, д. 10, к. 1
пр. Комендантский, д. 56, стр. 1
пр. Комендантский, д. 51, к. 1
пр. Просвещения, д. 19, ТРК "Норд"
г. Петергоф, пр. Санкт-Петербургский, д. 29, литера А
г. Москва, ул. Декабристов, д. 12, FORT Отрадное
ул. Александра Матросова, д. 3, стр. 1
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